Louis S. Caiola

Louis S. Caiola

Co-founder of Ambros Hotels

Lou is a Co-Founder of Ambros Hotels and along with Graham Jones and Greg Jones, is responsible for the oversight, management and development of Ambros Daytona and the Ambros brand.   At GRJ,  Lou focuses on client development and capital partners.  Lou is an experienced investor and financial advisor that most recently was a senior investment professional for family offices for the last 12 years.  Lou’s primary focus has been sourcing, underwriting and allocating direct real estate investments on behalf of a single family office, and also launching a platform backed by two family offices to make JV equity investments in residential real estate properties.  Prior to his direct real estate investment experience,  Lou spent 10 years as as a financial advisor to institutions, hedge funds and family offices at UBS, Deutsche Bank and Thomas Weisel Partners.  Lou’s started his investment career as an analyst in investment banking at Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette.  He holds the Series 7, 63, 65, 66, 79 and 3 licenses.  Lou holds a BS in Business from Boston University and an MBA in Finance from Fordham University.  He is married with 3 adult children and a grandparent to an English Bulldog, Josephine.